My 27 yr old sibling is a hard core follower of Joe Rogan 💩

What are some progressive channels/people/content that I could have my sibling start watching instead?

Preferably something that has a similar flavor - example: male host, muscular, easy to digest. I think that will make the transition easier.

My personal preferences are Seth Meyers and John Oliver, but Last Week Tonight (John Oliver) is even a heavy watch for me sometimes!

[No Andrew Hubbard. He’s another fake.]

Thank you!

    5 months ago

    Beau of the fifth column on YouTube is just for this he tries to reach people at that level and doesn’t talk down to them and is great on foreign policy concepts.

    5 months ago

    This comes off a little negative but totally get the desire to show a sibling something different,as someone who uses to listen to rogan regularly…

    Find whatever guests he liked and nail down what it is he’s actually interested in. For me it was history and comedy.

    History of Rome with Mike Duncan then lead to youtubers like sandrhomanhistory and the operations room. If he’s into more military and masculine show him forgotten weapons also on YouTube.

    If you go as left mainstream as John Oliver it’s gonna be an uphill battle. Even though I more than likely agree with what he would say have 0 desire to watch it.

    Comedy wise the early cumtown episodes are goofy classics.

    5 months ago

    I read it here before but the best way is deconstructing a specific case of the person in question choosing. The problem is that replacing one influencer with another one won’t change the understanding issue of misplaced trust in media/people.

    I think that these things should be voluntary by the way. Both for success chances and pure respect for your sibling.

    Ask him if they would be interested. Then make them choose an episode. Prepare yourself. Ask them to prepare a little document in which they express their understanding and lesson that they learned from the episode. Ask them if they are willing to investigate how true these things are. Look for evidence together or alone. When done, get together and talk about the truthfulness of the ideas.

    Alternatively ask yourself if they have some kind of expertise in something and look if there is a Joe Rogan episode about and suggest them to watch it. The deconstruction would happen automatically. You can help by ask them questions about it. Having to vocalize criticism towards something is an amazing reflection exercise.

    5 months ago

    Preferably something that has a similar flavor - example: male host, muscular, easy to digest. I think that will make the transition easier.

    You don’t think much of your sibling do you?

          5 months ago

          You’ll find that folks can be gullible at any age. My step-kids, who live with their dad in Texas, are in their early 20s and get about 99% of their information from either YouTube or TikTok. For the youngest, church plays a big part. Generally speaking, they are good kids, but they are both gullible AF. I’m betting OP’s sibling has a similar diet of media consumption.

      5 months ago

      Good God, he has some of the most cringey clickbait thumbnails I’ve ever seen.

      And just watching the first 5 minutes of the Steven Crowder episode, he’s for sure not someone the Joe Rogan crowd would be interested in watching.

        5 months ago

        most cringey clickbait thumbnails I’ve ever seen.

        My man, is this the first YT thumbnail you’ve ever seen?

        he’s for sure not someone the Joe Rogan crowd would be interested in watching.

        Why, because popular YT formats are something the millions of normie Joe Rogan viewers all despise? I don’t know man, you do you. But popular formats by definition are something the masses are comfortable with.

    5 months ago

    Funny that you want a muscular male host, 😅

    Currently my most favourite podcast is Andrew Huberman’s, which would probably fit the muscular male criteria.

    It’s also very progressive in the sense that it is basically about science-based protocols to become a healthier human being both physically and mentally.

    I strongly recommend listening on YouTube with sponsorblock if possible.

    So far, the only truly bad episode was the one with Zuckerberg (that I have found) because, you know, there is really not much to learn from him, specially considering the topics of the podcast.

    Oh, I just saw your comment about him, 😅, always interested in seeing evidence on his fakeness.

      5 months ago

      Huberman has been a guest on Rogan’s podcast and seems to be in the same circles with overlapping guests and ideas. He also peddles pseudoscience and random supplements, so I’m not sure this helps OP’s sibling escape the misinformation sphere.

      There’s also a pretty alarming piece in NY magazine (paywalled) that goes into how much he lies in his personal life to build a narrative that seems to align with the agenda he pushes on his show.

        5 months ago

        So now everyone that has been on Joe Rogan is a right wing fascist? Cause I couldn’t imagine Neil deGrasse Tysson like that.

        In terms of the pseudoscience and supplements… It clearly shows people don’t watch his stuff. I am SURE it’s not perfect, but most of it is clearly WELL referenced on the show description, and anything that hasn’t been officially approved he states that clearly with CONSTANT warnings to PLEASE CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL.

        I hate Joe Rogan. I hate fascist propaganda. Yes, Huberman makes money with his podcast, all podcasts are business, all big ones, at least.

        All the claims about his personal life seem to me like journalists trying to come up with vector attacks to a famous figure for clicks, just like it happens with any other celebrity.

        Yeah, he may be a terrible boyfriend, but Einstein married his cousin and Oppenheimer was a cheater and we live in this amazing (or horrible) world thanks to them.

          5 months ago

          First, he’s not in the right wing Rogan group but he’s definitely in the grifter circle that preys on insecure young men.

          Lol this guy is not Albert Einstein. He spends too much time podcasting and being an influencer for that to ever be the case. The best case you can make for him is as a scientific communicator, but he has been frequently shown to spread shoddy science and pseudoscientific claims about things like sunscreen damaging the brain.

          His personal life is very relevant here because it shows he’s a pathological liar:

          1. He had a primary partner who was in a serious relationship with him and on IVF so they could have a baby, but he was cheating on her with FIVE other women
          2. These women all believed they were in an exclusive relationship with him and he spun an astounding web of lies to maintain these relationships
          3. He exposed all of these women to a form of HPV that can cause cancer for women, without telling them that he was a carrier or that he was having unprotected sex with all of these other people (is this the kind of health advisor you want?)

          The reason why these 3 points matter are that they show a shocking pattern of deceit. The man was lying like it was oxygen to him, just so he could maintain six ostensibly monogamous relationships. He’s also a danger to public health, yet giving millions health advice every week.

          He has claimed to have been a bad kid who was locked up in an institution with conditions so bad that kids around him were dying/taking their own lives. That was entirely fabricated. He has more hard-luck stories about how his life was rough as a kid, but he found some hidden truth and became an academic and professional success. But the NY Mag article demonstrates he had a very privileged upbringing and neither his parents nor the kids who grew up with him know what he’s talking about. He’s obviously an upper-middle class guy selling a rags-to-riches story to his followers. It’s classic grifter stuff. “I used to be troubled and unsuccessful, until I found this thing. You can be like me if you do whatever I tell you and buy whatever I’m selling.”

          This man lies in public about his upbringing to convince people of a narrative about his success. He lies in private to all of these people who care about him. That should concern his daily listeners and fans. If he’s lying this much, why wouldn’t he lie to you? This isn’t a case of a few minor embellishment and a mistress either, this is disturbing shit he’s doing because it suits him. Someone like that should not be the trusted advisor of millions about anything, let alone how to be healthy and successful.

      5 months ago

      Adding to what others have said, Rogan often has, at best, a surface level understanding of the topics covered on his show. His guests often have an air of credibility because of their credentials, even when their views are often seen as outliers or plain wrong in their fields of expertise. Because Joe often doesn’t know enough to press them on questionable or disingenuous statements, his many many listeners are led to believe there’s something to the bullshit they’re hearing.

      Huberman does something similar, but is worse because he often knows better.

      5 months ago

      Everybody downvoting you for trying to understand something.

      Could they have just not upvoted you and moved along? Yes, but no asking questions is something that needs to be suppressed.

      Trees of green

    5 months ago

    If he’s a “hard follower” of Joe Rogan than he likely won’t be interested in other content. Rogan is a fool, but that’s why people find him appealing. Content that is insightful and educational is the opposite of the junk food of Rogan.

    Maybe instead, when Rogan says something like “Bro did you know like the pineal gland of the chimpanzee produces anti-covid hormones? This is just what I’ve heard. Look it up. By the way did you see the tree growing in my toilet?” You can help your sibling by teaching them ways to think, reason, and critically evaluate the BS that freely flows from the Roganverse.

      5 months ago

      when Rogan says something like “Bro did you know like the pineal gland of the chimpanzee produces anti-covid hormones? This is just what I’ve heard. Look it up. By the way did you see the tree growing in my toilet?”

      I’m a fan of Joe Rogan and I gotta say, I don’t think he says things like this. And I don’t think you’ve ever listened to Joe Rogan, if you think he does.

      Doesn’t that bother you even just a little bit, that you form strong opinions about things with no direct knowledge of them?