• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Brobdingnagian.

    It’s a very big word that means very big.

    It comes from Gulliver’s travels. The Brobdingnagians are giants, 12 times the height of humans. The word isn’t limited to that scale, but it’s definitely for things that are unusually large compared to us.

    It’s the literal opposite of Lilliputian, which is from the better known race from “Travels” that are 1/12 our size.

    It’s my absolute favorite word. Not just because it’s a literary reference but it’s fun to say. Brob ding nag ian. It just burbles off the tongue like a drunken stream stumbling among the rocks of its bed. And, it’s a big word that means big, which is just fun wordplay. Like the phobia of big words, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which was inevitable as soon as the idea of a phobia of big words was conceived.

  • Why would I change either?

    I mean, I’m a hoopy frood, So I know where my towel is, and it’s full of all kinds of nutrients due to the competing microbes that compose its flora. You don’t just waste that kind of ecosystem by changing towels every decade.

    And sheets? What about the memories? Every stain is a mark of something wonderful that happened. Except the ones that are marks of something horrific that happened. Or the ones that are just spilled beverages. But, you know, that’s still plenty of good memories you want washed down the drain, you animal you.

  • You can easily find HR staff that are wonderful as individuals. Plenty of them.

    But HR as an entity isn’t about providing resources to humans, it’s about managing humans as resources. They aren’t there to help employees, though they may do that indirectly sometimes. They’re there to help employers, and even the best individuals doing the job are still doing that job of helping the employer as their primary goal.

    Even the best people can be worn down by doing the job and turn into the soulless drone, if they can’t/don’t think they can leave the job.

    The only HR department I’ve ever trusted was at a home health agency that was owned by a single person who set the standards, and there were two HR employees that really were there to help balance the company’s needs with the employees’. It was evident in everything they did, and the boss would abide by their decisions even if it cost her.

    But! At any point in time, she could have completely done away with that methodology. And that’s why HR as a thing can never be trusted

  • Well, just glancing at it, it isn’t discord. It doesn’t connect to discord servers at all.

    What it does is replicate discord, in a way that allows users to still make use of things that discord users are already into. Bots in particular.

    So discord won’t have access to anything that goes on at all, unless you’re using something that also connects to discord.

    Pop-ups and fake notifications would have more to do with the client you’re using than the back-end would, so if you use a client that does those things, I wouldn’t bet on that changing.

    The caveat: I’m no dev of any kind, so I can’t say anything about the actual code, I’m basing this on their own description. I linked the page to my cousin that sometimes will give a quick scan for hinky shit for me, but there’s no telling if or when he’ll do so nd get back to me.

  • Man, I was lucky in a lot of ways with my parents. They were generally laissez-faire, but they made sure I had as much in the way of information about sexual health as I wanted. Same with drugs and alcohol, none of the bullshit “just say no” that was the default back in eighties.

    They made plenty of mistakes, but good info was always the default.

    I’m trying to avoid the same mistakes, and the ones my grandparents made with them. If I screw up, I want it to be new mistakes.

  • It’s a tool, like any other.

    Like, our kid did some abysmally stupid shit online a few years ago. They did it despite having been warned about how things can wrong and being told specifically not to do the thing they did, and what the consequences would be if they did.

    So, parental controls. That started out absurdly strict, and lessened over time to supervision only. Now, the only limit they have is for bedtime. But supervision can still happen at any time. Kind of a trust but verify thing.

    However, they also know that I’m not going to go poking my nose where it isn’t my business. It’s about the kind of activity, not the specifics, if that makes sense? I’m not giving details because what they did is between us and them, and I don’t give out anything about them in a direct sense even if it was something they were okay with me discussing. That’s about privacy, and that’s where the boundary is.

    And I think that’s the key to using parental controls as a tool instead of a weapon, if that makes sense. The goal is to guide them, give them a chance to learn. You don’t take a kid out in the woods and just drop them off with no training. Parental controls are the digital equivalent of letting them learn in your back yard first. We can’t be over their shoulders all the time, so we use fences and keep an eye out the window. As they grow and learn, you move the fences a little.

    A good example is porn. We all know damn good and well that at some point, our kids are going to run into it. The job is to prepare them for that. Doing so takes time; you can’t explain why xhamster isn’t about pets to a six year old. So you block things until their individual development makes it a reasonable conversation. You give that information in stages, chunks broken up as the kid is ready for the next one.

    But! You play fair. You tell them that there’s things they aren’t allowed to access because they’re not for kids. This requires building trust first. They have to know that they can come to you with anything and not be treated like they did something wrong for asking. You have to give them honest answers, and do the dance of making it age appropriate. That way, by the time they’re at the stage where they’re chomping at the bit and doing dumb teenage stuff, you can trust them to come to you with things before they dive into some internet cesspool.

    When shit happens and they run into something ahead of when they’re genuinely ready for it, you turn it into an opportunity to guide them and keep the trust going both ways.

    We’re lucky as hell with our kid. That trust is there. They’ll come ask about some weird shit, and if I say “you don’t want to know”, they shrug and ask when they should ask again. And they come back down the road and ask again. So far, anyway lol.

    As far as spying, that’s a hell no from me. We’re up front about it all. They know I keep a check on the traffic in and out across the board. They also know I won’t be a dick if they explore some. The most I’ll do if they’re exploring something that’s not age appropriate is directly sit them down and talk about it. No bullshit, they’ll get the best answers I can give, there’s no “punishment” at all, there’s no ranting and raving or arbitrary pronouncements. It’s all about making sure they understand what they’re getting into, and guiding them to better things.

    It’s fucking hard though. There’s been times I want to just wield the dad hammer lol.

    I dunno if that’s the kind of thing you were looking for or not. But it’s a thing I was looking into well before the kid had any internet access that wasn’t on our laps, literally. We adults thought it out, talked it out, and came up with as much of a plan as is realistic to make when a kid is going to be an agent of chaos lol.

  • Didn’t have one, but there was an unofficial one lol. A few, technically, but one style dominated to such a degree as you amount to an actual uniform.

    T-shirt in red or black, jeans, and high tops. Didn’t matter what clique you got put into, that was the uniform. Didn’t matter if you were a boy or girl, really, though more girls ignored the majority and went with fancier clothes.

    Since red and black were the school colors, a lot of kids went with that, which made it seem like it was more popular than it actually was, and it spread. Enough so that the jr high schools ended up with most of the kids wearing the same basic thing most of the time.

    It was always fun when someone would move into the area, come to school and be like “they didn’t tell me I needed a uniform”.

  • Eh, I find it easy to ignore the woowoo bullshit. Always have.

    That being said, the benefits are there. It’s a form of meditation, and exercise, all rolled into one. That’s always a good thing.

    Now, I enjoy the Taoist and Buddhist stuff. On paper, that’s the religions I give when a quick and simple answer is needed. The Buddhist side of things actually is as close to religion as I get nowadays, and the Taoist side of things is an interesting way of looking at the universe. But neither approaches what you’d call Belief. It’s more that they fit well enough as an approximation of the way I think and feel about existence.

    Tbh, it helps in breaking loose of assumptions built up from living in the western world, the same as western ways of thinking would help break free of assumptions built up from eastern ways of thinking. And that’s what matters to me, keeping my assumptions from keeping me from thinking and learning.

  • Well, we don’t get a lot of easy to find news on Iraq here in the US. You have to go looking for it.

    That being said, with the little that I have gone looking for, it really seems like the people of Iraq are busting their asses to recover, and have shown incredible resilience in the face of so much destruction that hit them in the last fifty years. It’s impressive as hell tbh.

  • Man, it’s a tough one.

    In theory, nobody should be disenfranchised by age at all. But at what age would they be able to vote, as in understand what to do, how to do it, and do so without adult supervision?

    Until they reach that point, it’s essentially their parents or guardians getting an extra vote.

    And then you have to look at other things we limit minors on by virtue of not being able to make informed decisions. So, would we go with driving age, since that’s when we trust them with a ton of death machine? Drinking age? Age of consent for sex (which isn’t always 18)?

    If we change it away from 18 to lower, showing that they have the full rights of any citizen, why don’t they get those other rights with enfranchisement? Why is someone able to vote like someone that has the ability to make an informed choice, but they can’t drink? Hell, that’s already a problem since 18 year olds can be sent to fight and die in the military, but can’t have a beer legally.

    I would be fine with 16 being the age of majority for everything if the individual wanted it. You wanna step into adult life, with all the rights and responsibilities, I don’t have an objection to that at 16. I had too many patients that were married and working before 18 to pretend that it isn’t realistic for someone that age to step into adulthood. I don’t think it’s the best choice, but I wouldn’t fight it if the world decided that way.

    I could definitely made an informed decision for voting at 16. I had access to alcohol, and was able to make the decision to not use it, same with tobacco. I had access to sex, and made the decision to make it safe sex. I was a decent driver, and didn’t have even a fender bender until I was 19, and I wasn’t the one that caused it then. All of the stuff that we limit to “adults”, I know I would have been fully capable of making informed and conscientious decision about any of them.

    But I also knew other teenagers that were absolute morons that couldn’t be trusted not to jerk off in the school bathroom. I knew 16 yos that wrecked cars and put other people’s lives at risk in the process. So I’m okay with the age of majority being 18 too; some of those morons would just flip a coin for their vote, and the mock votes we’d have in school were laughable across the board.

    Not everyone can make an informed and conscientious decision at 30, much less 18.

    So I don’t really think it needs to change, but I agree with you that it sucks that it’s so arbitrary.