Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


  • I don’t really know what people are doing to enrich their vocabulary and fluff up their language to be honest; my vocabulary and writing all stem from high school. However, my experience is that in order to write well, you need to read a lot. Learn what works for others, consider why it may not work for you, and pick up the good bits. If all else fails, open a dictionary, pick a word every day, and try to use it in a sentence before going to bed, just so you learn more synonyms and specific terms.

    I’m pretty sure that when it comes to job applications, most people are probably using AI these days. Unless you think you can beat AI, it doesn’t hurt to let the some kind of AI go over your text and steal some or the good bits.

  • Because you’re not paying extra for those problems to get fixed. And no, when you receive millions of forms per day, not every piece of feedback makes it back to someone to actually fix the issue. Especially when half those issues are “when I don’t have internet I don’t receive new emails”.

    Software, like hardware, is a balance between supply and demand. People would rather pay less for a phone crammed full of ads than pay for a service. Just look at YouTube for that one.

    Also, those clunky interfaces are there for a reason. Maybe the interface element that’s a lot better doesn’t work in right to left languages. Maybe the information overload of too many buttons and labels made the old interface impossible to extend. Maybe the prettier solution doesn’t work with screen readers or with the font size and colour cranked up for people with low vision. Maybe the feature redesign worked great but SomeCorp Tweaker Software will bluescreen the machine when it finds the word “checkbox” in a settings page for your mouse. Maybe the design team had a great idea but the feature needs to ship next week so whatever needs to happen to make that works happens, and the five other features planned for the month already eat up the rest of the dev team’s time anyway.

    But most of the time, things are suboptimal because there are seven teams of people working on features on the same screen/system/application and they need to make do.

    If you have serious issues with some software, many companies will let you partner with them. In exchange for hundreds of thousands or millions, you can directly get support for your use cases, your workflow, and the stuff you need to get done, over the billions of other people that also need to use the software. And sometimes, that means your super duper expensive preference/feature/demand means someone else’s workflow is entirely broken.

    If you know what you want, there is a way out: going the way of open source and self hosted. Within a few years, you too will grow resentful of dozens of systems made by different people all interpreting standards differently and not working together. You have the power to fix each and every feature, bug, problem, and design flaw, but none of the time or the detailed knowledge. You don’t have the money to pay experts, and even if you did, what they do may not entirely suit you either. Trying to fix everything will drive you absolutely mad. And that’s why companies and people often don’t try for perfection.

  • I’ve never worked for a company with the shitty HR people complain about online. Must be a regional thing.

    I don’t have the expectation that HR will always be there to protect you (though one company I’ve worked for had HR that actively fought upper management for things like raises and pension stuff). HR is there so the company, and by extension everyone in the company, can do their work properly. If you have a conflict at work, they’re not obligated to be on your side.

  • They assign a prefix. For IPv4 this is usually a /32, or 1 single address, though it’s possible to assign larger ranges. I’ve seen businesses with a /28 on IPv4 for example.

    The end device picks what IP addresses within the prefix are used for what. For instance, the server rack may use three IP addresses, the office one, and maybe the IoT network also gets one.

    With IPv6 you should be getting a /56 or a /48. In other words, they pick the first 48 to 56 bits of your IP addresses, basically leaving 80 to 72 bytes for the end device to distribute amongst itself. You could give the first device address one and start counting up if you wanted to, but that’d come with the annoying edge case of needing to track what numbers are already in use. If you like a false sense of control, DHCPv6 is what manages this.

    SLAAC (the “everything works by default” approach) requires a /64 (64 bits of local address space), so if you want to do routing (say, attach a wireless access point or a second router) and you don’t want to do IPv4 hacks that hide IP addresses from each other, you need a few networks. That’s why you get 8 to 16 bits of network space, so you can assign 256 to 65536 networks yourself in case you have weird requirements.

    If your ISP assigns you 2003:123:def:abc::/48, then you can pick whether you want to assign 2003:123:def:abc::beef:cafe or any random address that starts with the ISP prefix. You have enough space to give every connection of every device on every WiFi network its own IP address every second of the day, but usually addresses are rotated only once per day.

    The ISP picking the address range does come with a huge downside, and that’s that you can’t really use internal IP addresses anymore. To fix that, you can set up a so-called ULA. That’s basically a service anywhere on the network that shouts “hey, if you can’t, you can pick any address from fdef:abc:abc:abc::/96”. By default, devices will pick two addresses (one based on the MAC address and a temporary one), and you can use the one based on the MAC address to plug into your local DNS server.

    That way, even if you switch ISPs to one that only does IPv4, you can still use a Pi-Hole at fdef:abc:abc:abc::123:456:789 as your DNS server. These ULAs are completely local, so they can’t be reached from the internet.

    Though, just to be sure, you should generate a random ULA prefix (there’s an algorithm in the standard, but there are sites to do it for you) just in case you have bad luck and connect to someone else’s wifi who also thought it’d be funny to put devices on fdef:cafe:babe:b00b::/96.

  • If your devices are that fragile, they shouldn’t be hooked up to the internet in the first place. What are you doing hooking NETBIOS token ring networks up to the web?

    If you want to talk about risking breaking things, imagine the glorious lie that NAT introduced. Thanks to these old devices, your router at home/small business parses every FTP connection, every SIP message, every H.363 call, modifies its contents, and opens one or more ports in the firewall just to keep old stuff from breaking.

    If your crap survived NAT, it’ll survive IPv6. And if it can’t use IPv6, that means you don’t need to worry about it and you can just keep using IPv4 on these things like you always have!

  • With modern IPv6 (say, Windows 7 or later?) IPv6 privacy extensions solve this problem. Basically, you get a whole bunch of addresses. One based on your MAC address so you can port forward/allow incoming connections in the firewall, and then a bunch of rotating random addresses used for outgoing connections. People that know your prefix and MAC address can find your listening PC, but websites won’t get your MAC address.

    As for fingerprinting, thanks to NAT slipstreaming you can choose between “video calling software breaks” and “every malicious ad can access any port on your device” or in some extreme cases “every malicious ad can access any device in your network”. Some websites have also been caught scanning IPv4 networks to figure out where your router lives using standard Javascript, so your IPv4 network isn’t any better protected. At least with IPv6 a website can’t take ten seconds to scan 255 addresses and figure out how many devices are on your network!

  • That proposal was made when every computer hooked straight into the internet without a firewall. Every device already had a unique IP address that was globally routable and you needed to race to a firewall download page before a scanner would infect your computer (you had about five minutes, much less if you had the network cable plugged in during setup).

    The routing table size reduction has always been stupid. The protocol should not be adjusted to help the penny pinchers save on RAM. And the same problem happened to IPv4 a few years ago, because nobody learned their lesson.

  • It fixes must about every gripe I have with IPv4. It closes the hidden security holes NAT introduces. It pretty much configures itself. It allows you to use multiple Xboxes or Playstations within the same network and play online without faffing about! You can also disable the firewall entirely and basically never get scanned because scanning 2^64 addresses to find one computer is infeasible for bots (though you shouldn’t).

    The addresses are longer, that’s for sure. But you shouldn’t be remembering those anyway. That’s why DNS exists! If you don’t have a local DNS server for some reason, just use mDNS, every device supports it out of the box. yourcomputersname.local will work in place of an IP address in just about everything since Windows Vista.

    IPv6 was severely underdeveloped when the Necromancy Address Translation kept IPv4 usable twenty years ago, but we’re beyond that now. We have been for a while, actually.

    Unfortunately, a lot of network people are the type that learned how networks worked in school forty years ago and decided that this is the way things are and they should never change again. That’s how you get things like “TLS 1.3 pretends to be a TLS 1.2 session resumption or half the internet will break” and “only port 80 and 443 are usable on the internet”. They even brought DHCP back when IPv6 works perfectly fine without it! At least Google did the right thing and refused to play ball with that malarkey in Android.

    The whole address reserve argument never helped much. Super expensive cloud providers are now charging extra for IPv4 addresses but if you’re using Amazon AWS you’re used to paying through the nose anyway. CGNAT is a much worse problem, with thousands or hundreds of thousands of people sharing the same IPv4 address and basically being forced to solve CAPTCHAs all day because one of their IP coinhabitors has a virus.

    As the comments here show, plenty of people can’t be bothered. That’s fine, legacy websites and devices can just use IPv4, that’s the beauty of it.

  • If you bought a pager or walkie talkie that was part of a batch of pagers ordered specifically by Hezbollah through a Mossad front, then yes. Be careful if you bought a second device of that kind from Lebanon recently.

    Otherwise, probably not.

    As for phones, the whole reason the Mossad bugged pagers was because Hezbollah told their members to get rid of their phones because they believed Israel could track them (which, given the many espionage and offensive hacking companies in Israel, is probably true). Unless the terrorists also ordered phones through this Mossad front, I don’t expect any phones to explode.