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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2021


  • Dreams have symbolic meanings. They often represent things that happened in your waking life that have not been resolved. If the dream is recurring it could mean something important to you remains unresolved. If you can identify the reason for your dream and understand why are having it, it can stop recurring. For example I often dreamed about falling down a a stair at my grandparents house well into my teens. When I told my dad about it, he said I had actually fallen down a stair at home when I was two years old. The dreams stopped after that. Here the dream symbol is really close to the real thing, but it could be different in your case.

    “Dialing 911 in a dream is a “cry for help” and reflects feelings of concern about a period of emotional crisis. If you are dialing 911 in a dream or someone else is, identify the emergency or urgent situation you or that person wants help with in your/their waking life.  Getting a busy signal, no answer, the phone doesn’t work, or you can’t dial properly, reflect feelings of frustration, difficulty or failure to communicate your need for help with an “emergency” in your waking life.” (Cmp.: https://www.dreamdoctor.com/index.php?option=com_dreams&controller=dictionary&task=details&id=1&Itemid=24)

    So try to find out what your personal emergency could be, talk to someone about it and chances are the dreams are going to stop.

  • I would try to find something a bit newer. Core 2 Duos are really power hungry. Find one with an i5 processor and a T at the end of the number, like i5 3450T or something. This will be a little less performant but run at 30 watt max compared to the core 2 duos 150 watt. Fujitsu esprimo are also a good cheap option and both lenovo and Fujitsu offer rather tiny pcs that work excellent for severs.

  • I host my own email on uberspace. It’s a vps where you pay what you think is appropriate per month. You can install whatever you want on the vps, but they have a very good tutorial page on how to set up services. Email among them. I set it up a couple of years ago and it just works. Email is kind of pre set up as well, so should be easy enough to get working. You can enable the spam filter as well. You can also set up alias emails for every account you open up with some other provider. I name them after that provider, for example: ebay@my-domain.com

    That way I always know where the spam is coming from and just delete the alias address if necessary.

  • You could try different brands of oatmilk. It might need some getting used to, but some brands actually taste pretty close to cowmilk. I favor a brand called no milk (available at lidl at least in Germany), which has some sort of fat added I think (it`s got 3.5 percent fat like milk). You might be able to find an equivalent over in the States.