Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Crazy talk, and you’re onto something… that’s been solved already.

    First part: you hate that a 10+ years old game is only getting cosmetic changes instead of a rehaul of the whole character model. That’s crazy, nobody’s going to do that, not the ones expecting a profit, and not the modding community doing it for free. If you feel it’s a silly change, you’re right, but realize that it’s the only change they could do.

    You’re onto something: body feature sliders. Male, female, giraffe, and turtle bodies, have some structural differences, that however mostly match to the same bones having different shapes. The solution is a body shape slider, or 50. It’s something that existed, in some games, since at least the 2000s. Others were lazy and didn’t do it.

    For reference of how far this could go, the following all have the same bones, only change in shape, size, and muscle placemen:

  • The following is somewhat similar, but it keeps changing, and there is a decent evolution of the characters (hard to pull off in just 8 episodes, but they did it). Basically it’s 3 shows in one: in-vault, surface, flashbacks. Each one has its own conspiracy, which all come to a joint conclusion at the end, with a slight cliffhanger for the second season.

    It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen, but I’d say they did a good job.

  • There is an anecdote about a judo teacher from where I live: he also liked his motorbike, so one day he was joining the highway, when some car rear-ended him at twice the speed, crushing the bike into the barrier. Driver was all panicky, then weirded out when the guy showed up to check if everyone was all right. Turns out he instinctively jumped out of the bike, did a somersault over the car, and landed rolling, then got up and ran to check on the driver.

    No game physics needed.

    So yeah, go ahead and be “100% certain”. I’ve seen actual martial arts masters IRL, and you wouldn’t believe how quick a fight can end with a thug biting the dust, or a lamppost. Technique beats muscles any day.

    If anything, that fight on the show was slowed down and drawn out for “dramatic effect”.

  • No they aren’t, as explained.

    But I wanted to point a tangent, from the article you linked:

    outstretched middle, ring, and pinky fingers to represent a Roman numeral “3.”

    Coincidentally, the Romans would count like 👍👉👌… instead of “thumb, index, middle” for the numeral “3”, because that resembled the letters “IV”, which were the first two letters of “IVPITER”, or “Jupiter”, formerly known as “Zeus”, the God of Gods, and making the “IV” sign in vain was considered a blasphemy… similar to how Jewish people wouldn’t “use the name of God in vain”, which lead to the expression “hallelujah” from “hallelu-Yah***”, meaning “praise Yah***”… in order to also not say the whole name of God. Curiously, Muslim people have no problem with saying “Allah” or writing “ﷲ”, just with depictions of their prophet, go figure.

    These sign shenanigans have been going on for thousands of years, only difference is now a “meme” with 10 comments on 4chan, can become a hate sign used by thousands or millions in less than a decade.

    PS: another curious one, is the ✋ “Hi!” vs. the Greek 🖐 “I smear 💩 on your face”… best not to confuse them 😉 (“oops, got something in my eye” /s)

  • Game asset development is one of the places where versioning systems are least used. Not only versionong “binaries” is taxing for the system, but even game code itself (¹) is often not version tracked, or controlled at all, with more of a “cowboy coder” approach.

    It all stems from most non-online games (²) being sold “as is”, with no intent of supporting them long term; the moment a studio/producer gets the money, they stop caring about their user base, until it’s time to promote the next game. Even games with post-release DLCs, are regularly developed this way, and they end up as a giant clusterf… mess.

    If Deck Nine was the “lowest bidder”, with 70-80 hours a week “crunch” months, chances are they cut corners on everything, starting with proper asset versioning.

    (¹: engine code is a separate thing, which gets suported across multiple games, so tends to be properly developed

    ²: online games, and games with microtransactions, tend to be kept in better shape, since their income depends on them working for more than a single playthrough)

  • Ownership comes with both rights and responsibilities.

    Platforms want as many of the rights as possible, without the responsibilities… which is why they have a contract (TOS) where they explicitly renounce to ownership, leaving it for the user, and only license the rights.

    If platforms took full ownership, like in a “work for hire” agreement, they would be responsible for any illegal content a user could upload, since it wouldn’t be the user’s content anymore. Obviously they don’t want that.

    A side effect of wanting as much content as possible without owning it, is that… well, they don’t own it. 😎

    Fediverse where there’s no owner/seller/buyer of your data or anything else you contributed.

    Incorrect. You get ownership of anything that’s yours, then upload stuff under whatever TOS your instance has… what’s that? it has no TOS? Then they’re in for a rough awakening some day. 🤷

    Whether there are sellers/buyers… is something we’ll learn in time. For now, user generated content on the Fediverse gets shared with little regard or protection of anyone’s rights, so anyone can make a compilation, bundle it up, slap a price tag on it, and try to sell it.