If you are looking for FOSS, I highly recommend joplin. It’s simple but works well. I used it for many years until recently I switched to Obsidian. I dislike that Obsidian isn’t FOSS but I’m using the free tier and the community plugins really make it so much more powerful than Joplin. They both store things in Markdown so I’m not locked down to their ecosystem which I think is a requirement for any note taking app.
I had a coworker come to me with an “issue” he learned about. It was wrong and it wasn’t really an issue and the it came out that he got it from ChatGPT and didn’t really know what he was talking about, nor could he cite an actual source.
I’ve also played around with it and it’s given me straight up wrong answers. I don’t think it’s really worth it.
It’s just predictive text, it’s not really AI.