I’m actually not European (I mentioned it because others did in this thread, I think the developers are?).
In any case, I do “get the gist” but I disagree with it - why should the mainstream culture of a foreign country dictate what I can or can’t say (or name my project)?
And even if I did agree with you on that point, I would disagree with applying that logic to a term like “crackpipe” which isn’t considered a slur at all.
If you think the name is offensive, don’t use it. Once again, this project is a server for hosting pirated games, it’s not like they need to be advertiser friendly or whatever.
I didn’t mean “dictate” literally, but whatever, I agree with everything you wrote pretty much.
I mostly went into this discussion in the first place because I was annoyed that like half the replies were about the name and not the software - when the name really isn’t that extreme. But at this point I’m part of the problem, so I’ll stop now.