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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I’m in my late 50s and I’m a PC gamer on linux. I game more than ever now since gaming on linux is a complete joy right now, at least on Steam.

    Gaming is something that I’ll be doing long after playing tennis or biking or hiking are options. If someone else (friend, family member, date) doesn’t like it, no sweat. I don’t like to do a lot of other things people like to do and can game on my own. If they can’t handle it, well, bullet dodged I guess.

  • I generally prefer games that are more open ended and that let me hang out in the world working on something. Games like Skyrim, Satisfactory, Reshaping Mars, ETS2 and ATS, for example. I will play longer games that are more on rails, like Rise of the Tomb Raider or Horizon Zero Dawn, but I’ll tire of them much quicker than others. Something about being forced to move on to the next thing too many times makes me nope out of it after a while. The other games I mentioned have progression and goals, but there isn’t really an off-switch and you’re not really pushed to complete them. A game on rails will end, and I get my enjoyment from being part of the world, really.

    Other times, I like playing games where you can do a quick mission or something and call it a day. I’ll think I have a lot of hours in them, but I’ll usually be shocked by how few it really is. I’ve played what seems like a lot of Phasmophobia, just doing one or two solo runs and calling it good for a few days or a month or whatever. I have maybe 40 hours in that game. Another example is Deep Rock Galactic. I like them and will come back to them, but I normally only play them when I have an hour or two at most to put into them.

  • I’m new here, so sorry if I make a faux pas or something…

    I really like Reshaping Mars. There is a legacy version of it I haven’t played, but the new version I really like. I enjoy games where you can move slow and not be pressured time-wise. I also enjoy the fact that it will take a long time to terraform Mars, as it should. I’m sure I could double down on making things quickly, but I really like that I can take my time. I haven’t finished it, so maybe I’ll find out I shouldn’t have been, who knows.

    I prefer it over Surviving Mars. It’s sad it’s not getting much recognition.