Problem is not how weak or strong the encryption is
Here it’s definitely part of discussion. The context was
It’s encrypted anonymous communication capabilities.
It’s barely anonymous, and poorly encrypted. The latter is the reason Durov is in custody while Signal devs are scott free. He could easily turn illegal stuff over to French authorities, but doesn’t.
The bigger problem is that people somehow assume this a huge threat, while all previous cases didn’t involve anything like that.
There have absolutely been cases where a backdoor/weakness/lack of encryption used to catch criminals before: . I distinctly remember that there were also arrests of opposition activists in Russia based on personal messages in VKontakte, but can’t find the news right now.
real criminals do their stuff everywhere (especially on telegram) for years, staying safe.
Some are staying safe, others are being caught precisely because of this.
Problem is not how weak or strong the encryption is, but that once you are under oppression and do opposition activities, you’re going to learn by yourself how to deal with it.
Using better encryption schemes is definitely part of that.
My gf