(I love candy corn, but I also love this skit.)
I wonder if they’ll take Pepsi Points.
To be fair, the Mission Impossible game they made for the N64 is actually pretty good.
Just stay away from Superman 64.
Except for Goldeneye, of course.
It’s a frame from the show’s intro, when they give the episode number. They’re just running through the field for fun.
But a complete summary of that episode can be found here:
(Spoiler, it was brought to you by the letter B, the letter L, and the number 9) :)
Somewhere in Gitmo there’s a prison cell with just a bag of Lego pieces.
The Force will be with you, always.
starts copy and pasting links bookmarked since the 1990s
I want you to know, little one, I take no joy in doing this.