Guess I’ll have to name all of my iterators “it” instead of “I”. That will fix things.
Definitely a hot take though. Bc there are definitely times when it is totally acceptable.
Guess I’ll have to name all of my iterators “it” instead of “I”. That will fix things.
Definitely a hot take though. Bc there are definitely times when it is totally acceptable.
Reverend Insanity is probably a strong contender. The world building is super well done. The characters actually plot against each other. Not just the protagonist. It feels very lived in.
Princess bride the book. Indigo and fessik backstory. Parentheticals. The author tone and style is so much fun.
Worm is p fun. Great piles of fanfic on space battles and sufficient velocity
Is a great program and should totally be valid cpp. White space sucks.