• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2022

  • Discord doesn’t require a phone number to use it and there’s tons of servers that don’t require phone number verification. The vast majority of servers I’m in have no phone number requirement. Signal straight will not work without your phone number, in any capacity. I’m sure you’d trust Signal over Discord with your phone number any day of the week but as I said, that’s an irrelevant point because we’re talking about why people are more attracted to Discord over Signal. Slacks vs ugly cargo pants.

    I said that the reason they DONT is because other platform dont have the advertising budget, nor the user base to make users jump ship.

    Have you ever seen an ad for Discord? I haven’t see one before and I only know about it through word of mouth. There’s nothing stopping people from creating Signal groups for various hobbies and including a Signal link in their social media page.

    Refusing to use Discord might be noble from a privacy/security point of view but from a broader perspective, you’re significantly limiting your social interactions and not because of the people but the app the people are using to communicate with. It’s like not using a phone at all because pretty much any phone is a privacy/security issue.

  • That’s a feature that was implemented what, 1 or 2 years ago when Signal’s been around for a decade?

    You can’t possibly expect people to just jump from one social app to another that has such a relatively small user base and little familiarity. Entire Discord servers would have to jump ship and it would just be a nightmare for most people.

    What Discord prioritizes, Signal treats as an afterthought. Things like group chat, video chat, GIF usage, etc, Signal has never really prioritized.

    Discord’s mobile and PC apps both allow users to select GIFs within the application, whereas only Signal’s mobile app allows users to select GIFs within the application and Signal’s desktop app doesn’t allow for in-app GIF selection. If you’re reading this thinking "who tf cares about stupid stuff like that?", you’re completely missing the point because regular ass users care about stuff like that and they totally will say “fuck that” to an alternative if it doesn’t have features like this. Why doesn’t Signal incorporate in-app GIF selection for its desktop app? I’m sure it will be eventually implemented but dragging their heels like this for popular features and then having the nerve to ask "why aren’t people flocking to us instead of Discord/WhatsApp" is such an out of touch question to ask.

    When open source developers ask for feedback from regular users and their response to said feedback is"ACKSHUALLY it’s your fault, not the application’s fault", as it often is, it’s no surprise that their software never gains traction. It’s like a guy who wears cargo pants to a formal affair and then gets into an argument over attire because in his mind, cargo pants = more pockets = superior, completely oblivious to every other factor.

    Another thing-- Signal requires your phone number, Discord doesn’t. I know right away folks are going to rage about how Discord is the real privacy nightmare, not Signal. I don’t disagree, but the average user is just going to be more wary about being forced to give up their phone number in order to use Signal, even if the software now allows them to hide it.

  • Until a viable alternative is presented, I doubt Discord will die anytime soon. Part of the problem is people have a hard time accepting that even if you make the best meal in town, you’ve gotta get people to step inside before they’ll try it. To an extent, this does involve winning a popularity contest of sorts if you want Discord to die.

    I think often times folks are torn between enjoying a space/app as is, and making compromises to attract a larger group. IMO Linux has the same issue and that’s part of why die hard fanboys get so aggressively defensive when this is brought up.

    It’s the software equivalent of being the bitter "nice guy" that simultaneously wants to attract a girlfriend (users) but is kind of an asshole to women. You might think you don’t stink but please wear deodorant.

  • I’m bored so I’m just going to make a list:

    • Lightroom Classic (I’ve tried Darktable, just not for me. I take a lot of photos on my DSLR and I’ve been using Lightroom since 2015 so for me it’s worth eating the awful monthly subscription that I split with someone else.)

    • Anki (flashcard app, very popular among med school students and folks trying to learn new languages. Open source and tons of useful decks available. I’ve aced plenty of exams thanks to Anki.)

    • Bitwarden (finally caved and got a password manager-- could not be happier)

    • CHIRP (the best for programming handheld, mobile and base station radios)

    • CrystalDiskInfo (great for checking the health of SSDs and HDDs)

    • DaVinci Resolve (love using this for video editing-- pirated copy was easy to find)

    • Deluge (great for torrenting)

    • foobar2000 (I love it for music)

    • Greenshot (useful screencapture software)

    • inSSIDer (great for wifi analysis)

    • IrfanView (very good for photo management)

    • MusicBrainz Picard (amaaaaaaaaazing god tier music management software to get all the correct metadata/album art)

    • reWASD ($7 but it’s so good for no BS macro’ing of keyboard/mouse/gamepad shortcuts and profiles. I have two PCs and two mice + gamepad attached to my PC and this software is very helpful. I think the license is for life.)

    • WizTree (SSD/HDD visualization tool that is useful for figuring out what’s taking up too much space on your drive)

  • Weirdly enough, this quote is hilariously accurate if you consider COs to be IRL dementors.

    From the wiki:

    “Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them… Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you.”

    Replace "Dementors" with "Corrections officers" and I bet most people who’ve been to prison would say that’s an accurate statement.

    The only thing that sucks about this Michael Scott scene is that very few people remember the reference :( Prison Mike is fucking hilarious

  • Funny you should mention that documentary…

    I’ll just say it was (and still is) very popular among inmates and many are outraged when they find out what the Nordic system is like, specifically in Norway. Guys were losing their shit when they saw the humane living conditions, especially when it was explained that yes-- even Norway has hardened criminals who are nonetheless treated with decency and the ultimate goal of reintegration/rehabilitation.

    I’m really glad you asked about that documentary. I’m guessing it had to have been the same one-- at some point they show the apartment-like living quarters and show the inmates living a very normal looking like, not even dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

    But yeah, a lot of guys felt a mix of emotions watching that documentary. Happiness for Norwegian inmates that they actually aren’t being treated like shit, happy that even the COs there seem to be genuinely rehabilitative-minded, but outraged and very sad that all this time we’ve been told all the "soft" approaches like Norway’s isnt effective and that Norway doesn’t have hard criminals like N. America (low-key racism is implied IMO), only to find out Norway does have hard criminals, many of which are able to turn their life around when they’re not dealing with state-inflicted traumatic retribution.

    Guys are more likely to open up about their prison experience if they know there’s a chance it could perhaps help guys currently inside. Not every formerly incarcerated person is open to this but you might be surprised.