Personally, I just looked at my firewall’s logs on the WG port and the handshake info. Once you have a handshake I don’t think there’s much that can go wrong on the WG side, maybe there’s a problem with lost packets or network roaming?
Personally, I just looked at my firewall’s logs on the WG port and the handshake info. Once you have a handshake I don’t think there’s much that can go wrong on the WG side, maybe there’s a problem with lost packets or network roaming?
As an European student, my freezer is also filled with pizza rolls and other junk food. But that’s only because my fridge is filled with fresh produce and my cupboards have lots of dry ingredients. Cooking simple dishes from common ingredients is easy and quick once you got a couple of go-tos and the freezer is only for “guilty pleasure” snacks. That cart looks like my snack run. Many ads show “quick and easy” meals here too, but luckily I learned (in school) how to cook on my own, quickly and easily despite my schedule
Instantly. Least uncomplicated device on the network. Once I was angry at my laser printer for not showing up, turns out I accidentally left the ethernet cable disconnected afer moving it. Plugged it in, immediately popped up, no wait or restart needed. Prints immediately and effectively, cartridges are easy to replace and relatively cheap, never had stuck paper. Perfect printer.
Does it have a hardware RAID card? You may have to flash it to IT mode. The ‘lost’ drive may be just a parity drive?