• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • He is gay, but I don’t think that has anything to do with why he’s doing meth. I think he just found his rock bottom drug. He had tried everything else to fill that hole he could never fill and ended up a meth-head. This is Indiana, which has a huge meth problem, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to get.

    It’s tragic, and I’m sorry he ended up that way, but I have run out of my ability to sympathize at this point. I wish that wasn’t true because I don’t like that about myself, but I’m just beyond caring about his self-destruction.

    One of the old friends I talked to about this today said this isn’t the first time he’s been in prison. I’m not going to say he isn’t worth redemption, because everyone deserves a decent life, but I do think he is so beyond help that he’s just not going to get it. He’ll get out again and go right back to drugs and forgery and whatever else until he kills himself doing it.

    He’s 47. Honestly, if I hear that he’s dead by 50, I will not be surprised. Again, it would be tragic, but just not surprising at this point.

  • That’s how I felt about my former friend too. He felt like he was very generous and was always kind to me… until he tried to fuck me over. I talked about it to another friend today. She knew he was in prison and said she felt he still had a good heart. I told her about the con thing and she said he was in an even worse place back than and wasn’t surprised, but she didn’t blame me for cutting him off. Another friend told me that they cut him off a few years before I did due to all the drugs and hadn’t seen him in 25 years.

    Even though he did that to me, I still have a lot of pity for him, because my ex-friend also moved down to Mexico for a few years and came back with a boyfriend who seemed to really love him and it seemed like he had finally gotten his shit together. This was before Obergefell legalized gay marriage, but they were planning to get married as soon as it was legalized and everything was looking up. He even changed his last name to his partner’s last name before it was legal. But they must have had a bad breakup or something because between him staying at my apartment with his boyfriend for a couple of weeks and my daughter being born about five years later, he was single and trying to con me.

    On the other hand, the con was a big lie, so who knows what other lies he told me over the years, including about his ex-partner (who spoke very little English when they stayed over, so we have no idea now if things were being honestly translated.)

    So I have this weird image of him as being, as my first friend said, a guy with a good heart and a guy who tried to fuck me over when I had a new baby.

    But I still don’t feel bad about him being in prison.

  • Like I said, I’m over it and have been for a long time. Honestly, I’m kind of glad he’s in prison even if I hate the drug war. Feels like a little bit of karma.

    I’ve had bad luck with best friends though. My elementary school best friend died when he was in his 20s- however, he was autistic with symptoms severe enough that he could probably have never lived on his own, so in that sense, I’m glad his parents outlived him, and he died after a very short illness, so he wasn’t in a lot of pain. Now I do miss him. He was always happy and smiling. He was obviously bullied in high school like any weird kid would be, but surprisingly little because it’s pretty hard to bully a guy who’s happy all the time.

    I am the king of shitty luck though, so this actually feels good for a change.

    Edit: I would love to see his mugshots, but that’s not in public records. So instead, I’m spreading gossip amongst my friend group.