Sometimes I make video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • Dominos used to be the cheapest pizza in town. Then we got a Little Caesars that was much cheaper.

    I was eating the cheapest pizza, so it’s Little Caesars for me. A couple years later they get shutdown for gross (heh) health code violations.

    I no longer get Little Caesars, and that made me rethink getting the cheapest pizza. Now I prefer my local pizzeria.

  • Not a specific command, but I learned recently you can just dump any executable script into ~/bin and run it from the terminal.

    I suffer greatly from analysis paralysis, I have a very hard time making decisions especially if there’s many options. So I wrote a script that reads a text file full of tasks and just picks one. It took me like ten minutes to write and now I spend far more time doing stuff instead of doing nothing and feeling badly that I can’t decide what to do.

  • The friggin’ dogs in Resident Evil.

    I have a kind of funny story about that. I was too young to be playing RE when it came out, but that didn’t stop me from sneaking it out of my dad’s collection of grownup games to try it anyway.

    So there’s this well known jump scare, probably in the first fifteen minutes as you say where you’re running down a hallway and suddenly some dogs jump through these glass windows. I screamed, fumbled the controller, and was eaten by dogs. Might have been the first jump scare of my life.

    So I hadn’t hit a save point, so you have to start the game over. So I decide to just leave the mansion through the front door instead of going out that way. And you get a cutscene where a dog jumps through the door and you have to wrestle it away.

    I still haven’t played the game since.

    But my wife and I are a big fan of the series, so eventually we decided to marathon them on the condition that she plays RE1. She’s playing the remake and goes into the room where the dogs jump through the windows and I’m holding my breath waiting for it to happen. Only it doesn’t.

    So I’m a little disappointed, but I figure it’s a remake so maybe they’re switching things up a bit and going to put the jump scare somewhere else in the mansion.

    Sooner or later you have to backtrack through that corridor though, and on like the third time going through this “safe” corridor the dogs jump through the window. She screams, fumbles the controller, and is eaten by dogs.

    Seven-year-old me was vindicated that my adult wife also got punked and I’m not alone.

  • I’ll take a crack at this one. For what it’s worth, I think the first couple are just loanwords from another language which sometimes gets used incorrectly, and the last three are uncommon words in conversation. Know your audience.

    “This isn’t a meeting about the budget per se

    “This isn’t exactly a meeting about the budget”

    “The victim met their demise vis a vis poodle attack”

    “The victim met their demise by way of poodle attack.”

    “Steve’s a real erudite.”

    “Steve’s a real reader.”

    “Tom and Jerry is a fun cartoon because of the juxtaposition of the relationship between cat and mouse.”

    “Tom and Jerry is a fun cartoon because of the oppositeness of the relationship between cat and mouse”

    “I don’t understand, can you elucidate on that?”

    “I don’t understand, can you explain?”

  • I was fortunate to not only have a typing class in school, but also the only computer game my grandma had was Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Now I type for a living, so hey, I guess it must have paid off.

    If you’re already a hunt and peck typer, your brain wants to look at the keyboard to confirm where the key is before you press it. When learning touch typing, you’ll want to shift your focus from the keyboard to the screen.

    There are formal methodologies for learning where the keys are in relation to your fingers, but imo the most important thing is to not look at the keyboard. No matter what you end up typing, it’s pretty easy to find backspace and try again. Your eyes verify on the screen if your fingers are giving the correct output, and your fingers find their way eventually.

    Many students did benefit from having their hands visually obscured from them when typing. If you find you keep looking at the keyboard then you might want to look into that.

  • If this was a single occurrence, I’d try not to read too much into it. Maybe they were discussing something private and got all weird when interrupted. Maybe the greeting was non-verbal and you missed the cue. If it’s the beginning of the day, they might not be all awake yet, I dunno.

    But if it’s a pattern, or this ever happens and it bothers you, you can try to make the most of it. Imagine they wished you their fondest greetings in a Muppets style voice. It costs you nothing and you can’t change anyone else’s behaviour anyway, might as well do something to put a smile on your face.

  • I’m reading a book about fostering good habits, and there’s this novel idea that you should celebrate your small victories.

    As someone who has struggled with depression most of my life, I can tell you that often times most things don’t seem worth doing. Like, why bother making the bed if I’m just going to mess it up later?

    Well, if you only do the things that seem worth doing, you can run into trouble when your perception of what’s worth doing is skewed. And as you do less and less because nothing seems worth it, you’ll find that it starts taking more effort to do anything at all.

    But if you allow yourself to feel good because you did something, the outlook starts to shift. Suddenly you want to do things because that means you’re winning. Nothing feels better than feeling good, so your brain will seek out more of that behavior.

    Then almost before you know it, you realize your perspective has shifted. Nothing seemed worth doing before, but now suddenly everything is worth doing as long as you can feel good while you’re doing it.

    Okay, so enough with the sermon, here’s the technique:

    Break the activity into its smallest part, and when you accomplish that part immediately celebrate.

    Example, if you want to make flossing more worthwhile, celebrate after you floss each tooth.

    That’s it.

    Celebrating will look different for different people. Say “Awesome job!”, fist pump, strike a pose, do a dance, smile, make sound effects, congratulate yourself, imagine thunderous applause, pretend you’re in a video game and you just got 100 points, mentally affirm that you’re starting to get your shit together. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it makes you happy.

    Anyway, I don’t promise it’ll be easy or happen overnight. But if you start small you can foster this feeling of celebration and suddenly things will seem more worthwhile.