I woke up this morning to a text from my ISP, “There is an outage in your area, we are working to resolve the issue”

I laugh, this is what I live for! Almost all of my services are self hosted, I’m barely going to notice the difference!


When the internet went out, the power also went out for a few seconds. Four small computers host all of my services. Of those, one shutdown, and three rebooted. Of the three that ugly rebooted some services came back online, some didn’t.

30 minutes later, ISP sends out the text that service is back online.

2 hours later I’m still finding down services on my network.

Moral of the story: A UPS has moved to the top of the shopping list! Any suggestions??

  • pezhore@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    This is why I have about five of these bad boys: CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD.

    One is in my utility room for my cable modem and our chest freezer, three back up my homelab and wifi AP, and one is for my office.

    They’ve been bulletproof through storms, and when we’ve lost power, but not Internet I can’t keep on working.

    The big thing to look for is number of battery+surge outlets vs just surge outlets. Typically they top out at 1500VA - the more overhead for what you’re powering, the longer you can go without mains power.

    A screen/display is helpful for at-a-glance information like expected runtime, current output, etc.