All of our swear words are Catholic church vocabulary words. As a never Catholic I always find them hilarious when I say them. They can basically be used as stand-ins for words in the same way as we use “fuck” in English or strung together.
“Saint Ciboire” was my grandmother’s favorite when I would fuck something up.
baptême [ba.tae̯m]: “baptism”
câlice [kɑːlɪs] (calice): “chalice”
ciboire [si.bwɑːʁ]: “ciborium” or “pyx”, receptacles in which the host is stored
criss [kʁɪs] (Christ): “Christ”, or crisser, a more emphatic version of sacrer, both verbs meaning “to curse”
esti [əs.t͡si], [ɛs.t͡si] or ostie [ɔs.t͡si] (hostie): “host [cookie]”
maudit [moːd͡zi] (m) or maudite [moːd͡zit] (f): “damned” (or “damn”)
sacrament [sa.kʁa.mã] (sacrement): “Sacrament”
saint [sẽ]: “Saint”, added before others (ex. saint-simonaque, saint-sacrament, etc.)
simonaque [si.mɔ.nak] (simoniaque): from the sin of simony
tabarnak [ta.baʁ.nak] (tabernacle): “tabernacle”; typically considered the most profane of the sacres
viarge [vjaʁʒ] (vierge): “the Virgin Mary”
Moïse: Moses
Ma grand-mère de 80-quelque me l’a déjà sorti les quelques fois où je l’ai vue vraiment fâchée. C’est un peu désuet comme usage je crois, mais ça existe définitivement.
French Canadian here
All of our swear words are Catholic church vocabulary words. As a never Catholic I always find them hilarious when I say them. They can basically be used as stand-ins for words in the same way as we use “fuck” in English or strung together.
“Saint Ciboire” was my grandmother’s favorite when I would fuck something up.
baptême [ba.tae̯m]: “baptism”
câlice [kɑːlɪs] (calice): “chalice”
ciboire [si.bwɑːʁ]: “ciborium” or “pyx”, receptacles in which the host is stored
criss [kʁɪs] (Christ): “Christ”, or crisser, a more emphatic version of sacrer, both verbs meaning “to curse”
esti [əs.t͡si], [ɛs.t͡si] or ostie [ɔs.t͡si] (hostie): “host [cookie]”
maudit [moːd͡zi] (m) or maudite [moːd͡zit] (f): “damned” (or “damn”)
sacrament [sa.kʁa.mã] (sacrement): “Sacrament”
saint [sẽ]: “Saint”, added before others (ex. saint-simonaque, saint-sacrament, etc.)
simonaque [si.mɔ.nak] (simoniaque): from the sin of simony
tabarnak [ta.baʁ.nak] (tabernacle): “tabernacle”; typically considered the most profane of the sacres
viarge [vjaʁʒ] (vierge): “the Virgin Mary”
Moïse: Moses
Qui dit Moïse?
Ma grand-mère de 80-quelque me l’a déjà sorti les quelques fois où je l’ai vue vraiment fâchée. C’est un peu désuet comme usage je crois, mais ça existe définitivement.